We like Sea Eagle boats, and they have quite an informative website: CLICK FOR SEA EAGLE INFLATABLE BOATS
Note that we are authorized Sea Eagle Dealers and can order almost anything on SeaEagle.com for you at a price lower than theirs, even when it is on sale. Email Jim@SailboatsToGo.com for a quote.
West Marine sells boats and boating supplies, including G/Flex epoxy which is great for patching inflatable boats and adding D-rings, plus fiberglass kits you could use on your Snark (epoxy resin only on Snarks!)
www.BoatsToGo.com - Inflatable Boats, Dinghies, Rafts At Discount Prices. We can put a sail rig on most of them.
Canoe-Camping.org "This web site is dedicated to the exchange of information about the best U.S. rivers for extended (6 day) canoe-camping trips. It is intended for independent canoeists who are looking for descriptions of rivers where such a trip is possible. In deciding which rivers to feature, we consider several criteria"
Learn to sail "You can get where you want to go, but almost never in a straight line, which is one of the most pleasurable features of sailing. You need to tack-- zigzagging back and forth across your desired courseline and shifting the sail and boom from one side of the boat to the other."
Dictionary of nautical terms "Spar: A long, round stick of steel or wood, often tapered at one or both ends, and usually a part of a ship's masts or rigging."
www.dreamcatcherboats.com Beautiful skin-on-frame build-it-yourself canoe kits & plans. Very lightweight. Tell Brian that Jim sent you.
How to find an air leak in an inflatable boat.
More Canoe Sailing Resources
Sailing canoes is a topic that often arises in the newsgroups rec.boats.building and rec.boats.paddle, and in the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association's bulletin board.
Toronto Sailing and Canoe Club
... The Toronto Sailing & Canoe Club was founded in 1880 as the the Toronto Canoe Club. ...
hawaiian style sailing
... Welcome to the Hawaiian Sailing Canoe Association's Web Site ...
Chesapeake Bay Log Sailing Canoe Association - Official Site
The foundation of the Chesapeake Bay Log Sailing Canoe Association
ACA National Sailing Committee
The ACA National Canoe Sailing Committee home page, with details on sailing rigs, history and all aspects of sailing canoes. ... What's New. Overview. Sailing Techniques. Newsletter. Cold Water ...
Building A Rig
The ACA National Canoe Sailing Committee, with details on sailing rigs, history and all aspects of sailing canoes. ... which is non-invasive (to use the canoe without the sailing rig) as well as for converting your canoe to a sailing canoe. ...
Also see our plans page.
WCHA Canoe Sailing Page
... The WCHA Canoe Sailing Page. Bill Whalen ...
Historical Archives
Part of the Canadian Canoe Sailing Association site. Hopefully accumulating historical material relating to the decked sailing canoe/ International Canoe. ... of Western History is the rise and fall of the Decked Sailing Canoe. This section of the CCSA Website will explore the ...
US International Canoe Page
Details International Canoe racing in the United States. See FAQs, race schedules and results, photo and video galleries, a newsletter and links. ... and the wonderful world of the International Canoe; an elegant, fast, and somewhat exotic single handed sailing dinghy. ...
The Ontario Canoe Sailing Association
A site devoted to the art and science of canoe sailing in the Province of Ontario
Open Canoe Sailing Group
This page is not authorised by the OCSG, and any errors are mine, not theirs - S Fishwick Other canoe-related links can be found here. What is the Open Canoe Sailing Group of Great Britain? ... Canoe sailing began in Britain in the 1860s and within a few years had also established itself in the United States of ...
Chippenham Sailing & Canoeing Club
... Welcome to Chippenham Sailing and Canoeing Club's website. ... find details of all our Sailing and Canoeing activities, together with ... Our Sailing Programme. Our Canoeing Programme ...
Setting Up Your Sailing Canoe
Setting Up Your Sailing Canoe Rig By Marilyn Vogel The placement of you and your sail rig in the canoe is part science and part of the art of sailing well.
Canoe Building
... Canoe Building. Painting Below: A Tree for a New Canoe by Herb Kawainui Kane ... of the Ancient Polynesian Voyaging Canoe (Designing Hokule'a) ...
IC Life in Canada
Home of the Canadian Canoe Sailing Association. The International Canoe (IC) is a high performance sloop-rigged sailboat that according to the Portsmouth Yardstick is the worlds fastest singlehander monohull dinghy. With the current experimentation ...
WCHA - An Introduction to Canoe Sailing
An Introduction to Canoe Sailing By Hugh Horton http://www.wcha.org/wcj/v21_n6/sailing.html
Here are some titles for further reading (Hugh Horton recommendations):
Adkins, Jan. The Craft of Sail, a Primer of Sailing. New York: Walker and Company, 1973. |
Bull, John. Sail Your Canoe. Leicester: Cordee, 1989. |
Duxbury, Ken. Seamanship in Small Open Boats. London: Pelham Books, 1971. |
MacGregor, John. The Rob Roy on the Jordan. London John Murray, 1969 Also Rob Roy on the Baltic and A Thousand Miles in the Rob Roy Canoe. A Thousand Miles is available from David Goodchild, The Press at Toad Hall, Bala Cynwyd, Pa. 19004. |
Neide, Charles. The Canoe Aurora: From the Adirondacks to the Gulf. New York: Forest and Stream, 1885. |
Vaux, C. Bowyer. Canoe Handling. New York: Forest and Stream, 1885. |
Also check back issues of Wooden Canoe:
Drob, J. "A Return to the Tradition of Sailing." No. 43. |
Drob, J. "Leeboards for Canoe Sailing: Why and How." No. 31 |
Drob, J. "1990s Trials and Errors." No. 47 |
Wilmshurst, H. "Improving the Canoe Lateen Sail," No. 31 |
Winer, D. "Sail Replacement." No. 49. |
Charles Neid�: The Canoe Aurora
Lake George to Pensacola via the Mississippi, 1882
Perry Frazer: Canoe Cruising and Camping
How-to guide, published 1885 and 1897
Frederic Fenger: Alone in the Caribbean
A sailing canoe among the islands, 1911; a legendary cruise; includes photos from the 1919 edition.
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