Sailboats To Go » Catalog » Cart
Item# Item Description QTY. Total
5281 Complete Rowing Package without Stabilizer Floats with Fixed Span Rowing Outriggers, Flat Blade Oars, and Drop-In Seat. $373.00
5136 Rowing Package with Adjustable Rowing Outriggers, Spoon Oars and No Seat - state crossbar length wanted $299.00
5198 Rudder Head for Super Snark, Sunflower and Skimmer P62020 $29.00
4005 Canoe sail rig plans and how-to-build video free because I am buying sail or spars today. $0.01
6100 Upgrade to your order to Deluxe Kayak Sail Kit $198.00
8910 Super Stabilizer System for Canoe with Gigantic 11-foot Inflatable Pontoons $699.00
5188 Drop-in Seat for narrower canoes, 30 to 34 inches $109.00
5124 Cane Seat for Canoe Floor - Be Comfortable, Lower CG $99.00
*(Shipping cost to continental US. You will be contacted if additional shipping charges are necessary. Non-U.S. buyers responsible for taxes of their country.)
Grand Total

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(978) 263-7598  (Direct Line to Owner & Manager Jim Luckett)
7 days per week - 9 am to 8pm Eastern