Sailboats To Go » Catalog » Cart
Item# Item Description QTY. Total
3029 Pair of flat blade oars, no oarpins $69.00
5221 Large Rowing Mirror on Arm to Fit Crossbar $79.00
3010 Sea Eagle Foot pump A41 $39.00
5282 Rowing Package with Fixed-Span Rowing Outriggers, Drop-in Seat, and Spoon Oars $444.00
5020 Canoe leeboards that snap-in -- mount to stabilizer crossbar, pair $99.00
5195 Sunflower mast, spars, rudder, dagger board, cleat, gudgeon $426.00
5165 55 SF Nylon Sail - White with Rainbow Stripes (D55) $159.00
5006 Canoe wheels, 16-in. - slip-on to sail rig, rowing rig or stabilizer system $325.00
*(Shipping cost to continental US. You will be contacted if additional shipping charges are necessary. Non-U.S. buyers responsible for taxes of their country.)
Grand Total

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(978) 263-7598  (Direct Line to Owner & Manager Jim Luckett)
7 days per week - 9 am to 8pm Eastern