Sail kit for Sea Eagle FoldCat 375fc
Price: $799.00
S&H*: $30.00
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Product Description
Finally! A sail kit for the 375fc Fold Cat from Sea Eagle. This is a SailboatsToGo folding sail kit with 45 SF lateen sail and leeboards so you can tack upwind.
Youtube video: Click Here.
You can upgrade to a 55 SF sail by adding item 5011 to the order.
Portability -- Sail kit weighs about 35 lbs and easily fits in our optional 1'x1'x4' bag with room to spare for a life jacket. Bags: item 6007 (no wheels) or item 6021 (with wheels).
See lots more pictures and video clips here: Fold Cat Photo Album (click) When you get to the album, you can launch the video clips by clicking on them (some are still photos and some are video clips)
Very easy installation and removal. No modification of the boat needed.
Steering is by steering oars, pivoting off an additional set of oarlock towers we provide that go in back of the rear seat. You will use the oars that came with your boat. Optional rudder steering available See item 7007.