Trailex SUT-250-S Trailer for Small Boats - Shipping TBD
Price: $1799.00
S&H*: $200.00
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Product Description
Final shipping cost to be determined after you place your order and we get a quote for your approval. THIS ALUMINUM TRAILER IS DESIGNED FOR "V" BOTTOM JON BOATS, SEMI "V" BOATS AND FLAT BOTTOM BOATS UP TO 250 POUNDS. THE BUNKS, ROLLS, AXLE AND BOW STAND ARE COMPLETLY ADJUSTABLE. IT IS SO LIGHT (169 Lbs) IT CAN ALSO BE USED AS A DOLLY. TRAILER IS 12' 8" LONG AND 68" WIDE. THIS IS THE BEST CHOICE FOR THE SNARK SUNCHASER SAILBOAT. EASY NUT-AND-BOLT ASSEMBLY. Shipping shown is a placeholder. It will be adjusted to actual (with your approval) after the order is received. More info: 978 263 7598 or
Optional 12-inch wheels in place of 8-inch can be substituted by adding