Return to: Catalog » Inflatable Dinghy Sailing Rigs
Item #: 8888
Custom Payment - Change quantity then click Update Quantity then Checkout then write note in comment space

Price: $1.00
S&H*: $0.00
Add to Cart* Shipping and Handling charges to continental US (lower 48) addresses only. Additional shipping may be required to other locations.
Product Description
Use this item to pay for anything that does not have its own "buy now" or "add to cart" link. Here's how:1) After you click "Buy Now" below, it will bring up the shopping cart. Change the QUANTITY ("QTY.')to the amount you need to pay (including shipping cost but not tax).
2) Click the "Update Quantity" button at lower left of the shopping cart screen.
3) Click "Checkout" and this will bring up the checkout screen.
4) On the checkout screen there is a space for Order Comments where you should please write what you are ordering.
Summary: Click buy now, change quantity to the amount to pay, click update quantity, click checkout, and tell us what you bought in the order comments.
Click here for more explanation if wanted.