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Item #: 5062
kayak Kart, Dinghy Dolly, Boat Buggy, Canoe Cart with 16-in. wheels

Price: $379.00
S&H*: $25.00
Add to Cart* Shipping and Handling charges to continental US (lower 48) addresses only. Additional shipping may be required to other locations.
Product Description
Same as item 5059 but with 16"-diameter balloon tires (like wheel on a contractor's wheelbarrow) which are better for soft ground or sand. The 12" wheels on item 5059 will also work on sand with a lightweight boat, but the fatter, bigger 16" tires will roll easier.Upgrade available to make the width adjustable from 30" to 45". See item 5101, which you buy in combination with the cart to get an adjustable-width cart.
Canoe sail kit options, upgrades and accessories page: Click Here. Kayak sail kit options, upgrades and accessories page: Click Here. Dinghy sail kit options, upgrades and accessories page: Click Here.